DOCUMENTARIES / Natural / Clear / Engaging / Sweet



My natural, clear, and youthful narrative sound.
Clips include a segment on the blushing tell, and an insight into the world of Faeries.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
self consciousness and a concern with other people's opinions seem to be central to blushing. We often blush when we know that we've done something wrong or when we violated other people's expectations of us. But we also blush when we've attracted the attention of other people by doing something positive. That's why we're is likely to blush when we've been caught out, as when someone offers us a compliment. However, it's not just the recognition of our own failures and achievements that make us blush. We also blush when we see other people getting embarrassed, especially when we identify with them closely. How blushing actually works is still something of a mystery, although there's lots of evidence to show that it's associated with unexpected and unwelcome attention from others. The rial fairy experience is very different from the general view of fairy, built up by clouds of sentimental fiction with legions of inevitable happy, ever after endings the world of once upon a time. Delightful as it is and highly as we value, it is not the real world of fairy fairy represents power, magical power incomprehensible to humans and hence inimical. It must always be remembered that though the world of fairy is to a large extent, dependent on humans. Fairies are alien creatures with values and ethics far removed from mankind. They do not think, and most notably, they do not feel the way that humans do it.