Scanwell Health Ad (60 seconds)

Profile photo for Janet Wang
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Radio Ad


A 60 second advertisement for Scanwell Health that showcases a youthful, positive, relatable, and natural voice targeted towards Gen X & Z women. This demo showcases the ability to pronounce technical/medical terms in a fun and relatable, but trustworthy and knowledgable way.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
have you ladies ever had a u T I? For those who don't know, a u T. I is an infection in your urinary tract. They aren't STDs but can have some of the same symptoms. They're incredibly uncomfortable. And when you have one, all you can think about is getting treatment stat. Luckily, there scan. Well, health. It's the only at home ut I test with same day treatment options. You'll know if you have a U T I in two minutes and can connect with health care provider who can prescribe treatment immediately. All you need is the up and their test kit. Some studies estimate that over half of all women experience UT eyes, so if you don't suffer from them, you probably know someone who does. Using scan well is so easy. No crazy emergency room bills. You don't need insurance, and the test doesn't expire for two years, so you can keep it in your medicine cabinet. For those just in case moments, Scandal is the same test used in hospitals and emergency rooms and offers the same accuracy as a test you take in your doctor's office. Normally, the tests cost $15 but a BG, listeners could get the test kit for free. Just pay for shipping. Open up your browser and type in scan will health dot com slash a BG or you're free. Task it. That scan will health dot com slash a b g.