This is a sample of voices in a variety of fictional settings.

Profile photo for James White
Not Yet Rated


The prompts for the voices are as follows: cocky Goblin tribe leader, suave & shady business man, Sci-Fi military soldier, and greedy explorer.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
James White. Okay, so maybe you've got the right attitude. But being a member of the Frost breath tribe takes more than just a violent nature. I mean, can you even breathe ice through your mouth? Didn't think so? You're just a wannabe with a knife and you can try to kill me if you want to prove me wrong. I'm afraid that we simply must forfeit our prior agreement. Sean. Unfortunately, you failed to meet the end of your bargain and now you've forced my hand. It's a shame really. I was so looking forward to continuing our partnership. Oh well, perhaps next time this is robert Cross reporting in on behalf of the 43rd sentinel squad. We are under heavy fire by scheduled forces. And our cover is not holding. I repeat. Cover is not holding. We don't have the supplies or the firepower to stand up to an entire fleet. We need reinforcements from Central Station. Now, I dare say old chap. I think we've done it 17 failed explorations, but this time we found what we came for. I never thought in all my days of treasure hunting that I would stand to gaze at such a beautiful monument. But here we are! I couldn't have achieved this greatness without you, Marcus. It's too bad that you won't be alive when they give me that pretty finest fee