
Profile photo for James Rice
Not Yet Rated


A record of my speech, that I was going to say during my graduation for Salvation Army and Pathway of Hope

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
But people don't know. My name is James. Um I'm just a poor town country boy born and raised over in the Valley, New Midville, Sheridan. I've been all over. Most of my life has spent in Oregon a couple of years in Arizona, a couple years in Washington. Um I was on track one time to retire by the time I was 40 life happens, met somebody fell in love, started a family. They're wiped out financially. Uh Thank you for two beautiful kids. So and then uh I did again, I found that two beautiful kids completely wiped out financially. This time, it topped the first time. Uh I won't get into everything, but in 2017, I not to accuse of hurting my, my wife and my kids. And when I'd either say that I did or, you know, 20 years in prison. So I chose the last of the few animals and should be four. The statement I took the plea bargain. So that puts me in a situation that I'm in today and the situation in the day is taking control of everything in my life. I got involved with Josh Neil. Amazing man sitting right here. If he's in the audience, I'll point him out. Um Yeah, I was his first client and he's been like a friend and family and brother with me ever since. Um I always try to be self sufficient to do everything myself and not ask for help. I know there's resources but all the resources that I love it. So I try to do the best I can. And then Josh referred me one day. He's like, hey James, come on down, come on down and meet my coworkers. And I was like, all right, I'll be there about 10 minutes and I was there about uh 12 minutes or something like that and started talking to Cynthia and introduced myself and, and then she was asking about the program and Josh, like I did, I didn't tell him anything, just said, hey, tell James where to go and what to do and he shows up. So I think you're personal were incredible that way. It wasn't for the Salvation Army, Josh's help and everybody else's help my kids. And I was still be living in a hotel probably that's what we did for a long time. Get from hotel to hotel best I could afford them. And then we stayed at the temporary housing in to March for landing. Got out of there at the place right now. It's a nice place I've ever been in anyhow. Um let's get to the class here. Start his class as a four month long class, take a self evaluation and you learn what your strengths and weaknesses are and then that's, that's like a good, in a good class. You try to build your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. And, uh, since day one I've been all about Cynthia, like challenging me to push me to do more and be more. Um, I probably about a month into this class. I, I skipped the head. I got bored and read the entire book, you know, shame on me being an overachiever. I uh I, I think that getting ahead and, and, and just getting by a world is a good, good name for this book. Learn many things about how to talk in different tonalities and different registers, different registers of speech, which is a huge skill. I, I didn't really know how to use register as language, um frozen formal consultive, casual and intimate. And then you discuss disco patterns. You really dive in yourself. If you want to take a deep dive on something and get yourself in order you use the time management system in this book and it'll track literally everything you do in your life. And you think you're in charge of things and then you, you start keeping track of black and white and I was kind of like a slap to the face how much time I wasn't doing what I was supposed to be doing. One of the biggest things. You have to go into this class and have an open mind and you need to learn to understand the word paradigm. And that's basically all your habits and everything that make up your character and make you who are, who you are and what you do. We start to understand and talk about paradigm. You, you have a reflections, um, discussion in, in your studies. Yeah. You know, you've all heard the thing, money don't grow on tea, on trees, finish all your food. The Children in China are starving and dying. Things like that. I challenge you to remove one word from your vocabulary and that's the word why we're all a success. In fact, 90% of successors are showing up, you beat the other 10% of the competition just by showing them keeping positive attitude about something. It doesn't matter what you're doing to get through this class. You have to have courage, focus and resistance. You need to interact, you need to raise your hand. Um Something I'm not good at is cross talking. I, I quite frankly got in trouble. Um I sit next to Jenna and kept all the people like I'm like, oh my gosh, I did again. We need to learn how to be able to implement changes, not just within ourselves but within our community. And we need to meet with community leaders. This program needs to be integrated in local city government and at federal level. To make changes happen. Because a diagram we, you know, we can learn, we go through the upper class, the wealthy, they make the, they make all the rules, they make the middle class, implement them. And basically the poor and the middle class have to be together and follow them. That's just one of the hidden rules. You learn to discuss uh hidden rules and societies and different cultures. And um I was doing a personal experiment every morning after I found out about this, I was did my kids on the school bus and I'd walk around, around my neighborhood and I'd say hi to certain people. I was trying to break down the barriers of communication and have them say hi to me. I finally got one person like they would say hi to me, but they kind of walk by and like, hey, good morning and they kind of look up and at least acknowledge me kind of like halfway. Not one of the first stories that we talked about here that does a deep dive in this book. And in your class is a story about the meat man. I'm gonna leave this with you. You're sitting there, your family's eating cereal. That's all you have left to eat and you hope there's enough for everyone. A meat man knocks on the door. How many people can relate? You got nothing. Here comes the Swans man, right? He comes with preseason vacuum packed chicken pork and beef. He says he's over stocks and needs to sell it. So you and your family love to buy them. But your snap is empty. The meat man says no problem. I understand. Keep the meat, cook it up right now. I'll come back next week and swipe your card. It's very tempting. Very, very simply. What would you do a project that we, we, we brought into existence but hasn't been finished yet. I plan on leaving as a gift for everybody. Um For me just to get back to the community and help center here and everybody that comes behind us is my piece of the map. My piece of the map goes way way out in Washington County, like where Washington County starts, like almost at the coast and then goes all the way up here past the Hope Center goes wide. It's a big triangle. Um I found all the, all the resources. I found all the things we call predators, predators, we find them as like cash, loan title places. Um Stuff like that. You start to get into this class and you become more active and you start to have deep, deep dives and conversations. Like just, you know, keep an open mind, know that you're here for a purpose, know that you were chosen to be part of this. Like it's a stepping stone to great is to help you get ahead for you, not just you and your family, but just something I want to throw out there. I don't know if anybody knows about this, you know, about credit cards. But a long time ago, a mastercard is called a Mastercard for a reason. Um, it goes back to the slave era generation and, um, a Mastercard basically means you, you pay the master for luxuries. That's still true today in a sense. And there's a visa card, a visa card is like a, a visa allowed for travel and stuff like that little luxuries. But I mean, now it's just everything gets taken out of context, misrepresented, turned around and then they charge you 2030 plus percent on something and keep you as a slave. Not just this class, but uh the group of leadership that we've developed with Cynthia's help and an input from Josh and other people. And then here in the Hope Center, um this program is gonna go big. It's gonna, I can see, actually see it dominating, dominated the West coast. It's got to spread like wildfire. I still have lots of invitations that I didn't get passed out. Um have a personal experience here recently uh from building the connections with people here. It's like family. I had family stand by my side in court and I just got my kids back on the sixth on the sixth. So when you're part of something that's bigger than you, you have to keep moving forward and never stop and always get back. Not like me, but I always feel like I can do more and I'm, I'm bigger than what I'm doing right now. I think with all that said, I just wanna leave a parting gift here quick. I'm gonna leave you a little thing. That's a good friend of mine and a mentor taught me inch by inch is a cinch yard by yard. It's hard. Basically, never stopped. You know, the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single footstep. One thing I wanna include, I want everybody to share this. I hope I can say it right. There's 33 forms of payment that you can take or use in your life. One is time, one is treasure and one is talent. There's more ways to get paid and paid than just with money for the rest of my life. Part of my personal mission, once they working with this class, a pathway of hope and the salvation Army and I put in building huge businesses and giving back and helping as many people as I can meet their live streams and goals with all that said, I just want to thank everybody for the opportunity of being here and for coming out tonight. Thank you.