Gestational Diabetes episode.

Profile photo for James Harper
Not Yet Rated


A short description on Gestational Diabetes.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


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Welcome everyone to another episode of conspiracy diabetes. Debunked and on today's agenda, we're gonna talk about gestational diabetes. So let's get started. So as we know, diabetes is a condition where someone experiences high blood sugar levels for a long period of time or on a consistent basis. So what is gestational diabetes? But it's a type of diabetes that usually develops during pregnancy and disappears after giving booth. On the thing about this phenomenon. It only happens to pregnant women and symptoms usually pop up in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. So why does this happen? But gestational diabetes is caused by a hormone released by the percent of called human percenter login. This makes the mother less responsive to insulin. And as you remember, insulin is a hormone responsible for controlling your blood sugar levels. Now, women who suffer from gestational diabetes at a high risk of complications. Dream book and also becoming prediabetic and type two diabetic after pregnancy. So, in a nutshell, Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that only happens to pregnant women. Stay tuned to our next episode. We'll be talking about prediabetes, make sure to like and subscribe to the channel and tap the notification bell. You can also join our facebook community, the diabetes debunker. I'd like to thank you again for listening to another episode of experience diabetes apartment. When we simplify educate an important