AudioBook - Accents - Romance - Novel

Profile photo for Jake Emmerling
Not Yet Rated


A sample of an Audiobook from The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Enjoy!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) Irish (General) North American (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mhm. Mhm. Very well, chandra says, on with it. He gestures vaguely at Marco. Yes, sir. Marco says, turning to address the girl. We have a few preliminary questions before, the practical demonstration. And I miss Celia, baldwin. Marco records this in his notebook and his stage name, he asks, I don't have a stage name, Celia says. Marco notes this as well, but have you performed professionally? I have never performed professionally before at this chandra's moves to interrupt. But madame Pavlova stops him then, with whom have you studied? Marco asks, with my father? Hector, Baldwin. Cilia answers. She pauses for a moment before adding, though perhaps he is better known as Prospero, The Enchanter, Marco drops his pen. Prosper. The enchanter chandra's removes his feet from the chair in front of him and leans forward, staring at Celia as though he is seeing a completely different person. Your father is Prospero the enchanter was, It clarifies he passed last year. I'm sorry for your loss theater, madame Pavlova says. But who pray tell is prosper the enchanter, only the greatest illusionist of his generation, chandra says, used to book him whenever I could get my hands on him years ago now. Absolutely brilliant, completely mesmerized every audience, never seen anyone to match him. Never. He would have been pleased to hear that, sir, Celia says, her eyes briefly glancing over to the shadowed curtains at the side of the stage. I told him as much though I haven't seen him in ages, got very drunk with him in a pub some years back and he went on about pushing the boundaries of what theater can be inventing something more extraordinary. He probably would have loved this entire endeavor. Damn shame! He sighs heavily, shaking his head, well on with it, then he says, leaning back in his seat and regarding Celia with a considerable amount of interest.