Rough Seas: Fantasy Adventure of the Morrigan

Profile photo for Jack Ivey
Not Yet Rated


The crew of the Merchant Ship the Morrigan finds themselves in a squall

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Irish (General) North American (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
howling winds tore at the dark canvas sails. Walls of water crashed against the pewter and oak hole. The morrigan had braved many dangerous storms, but this one stood out. Hold fast, lads bellowed Captain Bay Wall, and from the upper deck. Rough seas make stronger sailors, and should you flee, I'll kill Julia myself. Myron could feel the calluses of his hands peel away as blood and rain soaked line fought to be free of his grasp. This ship will be the death of me, you know it! He cried, in near panic. If the storm don't give me, captain will study, you know, boy rumbled. Are in the skipper, lending a helping hand to the thrashing jib line column. Seems mad, but he'll get us through you! A crack! Split the air as the mast lurched sideways, pulling men from their feet and into the roiling waters below.