Educational Demo kids

Profile photo for COURTNEY GARNER
Not Yet Rated


This is a short demo submitted for a grade 3-5 educational project. Upbeat and engaging tone but not condescending. African American Woman

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is Goddess auditioning for the world of teacher and educational video. Now, to figure out how many cubes are in total, I could just start counting. I know these flats are each 100 cubes, so I'll count by hundreds. 100 200 300. Then I can look at the rods. Each rod is tin, so I keep counting by tins. If you're going to travel the world, you're going to need to know how to navigate. To navigate means to plan how you'll get from one place to another. Today we have maps on our smartphones to help us navigate. But things were more complicated in the age of exploration because no one had mapped the whole planet yet. And that is goddess auditioning for a pool of teacher and educational video.