Radio, Internet, Video Game, e-Learning



This demo showcases Neil's radio commercials, internet presentations & video game characters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So I offered to help Let me show you how to build a tree house. He just looks at me and says, I have two words for you, Home Depot. I told you I'll take the garbage out after the game and that's final. Okay, welcome to Comcast Business Services Internet Overview Module. The goal of this module is to provide you with an overview about the Internet as you learn about the features and benefits of Comcast's business class Internet solution. Just leave me alone, because if you don't, I'm going to for chew with an elbow poncho. She does okay until collarbone you broken Call about fresh around here better than anyone. Take me to the forest ticket and I'll take you on a snow made butt. Ugly Martians. Action figures He sold separately. New from Hasbro. Let's get they dream of a wireless world where information flows effortlessly there, the dreams of giants and agile. It is providing technologies to help make them a reality faster than ever. I wrote three checks that were about to hit the ground at 90 MPH. Was I scared that they would bounce? No, because my bank told me not to worry