Podcast Trailer

Profile photo for Letitia Evans
Not Yet Rated


Self produced podcast trailer.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you're listening to rooted and overflowing. Hi, I'm Laetitia Evans, and I'm excited to be back with a new podcast. It's called Rooted and overflowing, and the first season of episodes will begin on May 12. Rooted and Overflowing will feature guest conversations, personal reflections and Bible messages designed to inspire hope and resilience as we walk through life and the Christian faith. The podcast is based on the scripture found in Colossians two first six through seven, which says, Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus, the Lord walking him rooted and built up in him and established in the faith. Justus, you were taught overflowing with gratitude. Life is rigorous and can sometimes present challenges that range from having a bad five minutes to circumstances that brought us to the very core. It's at this intersection that we hope to serve our listeners with practical ways to make it through life's difficult times and enjoy the blessings that are on the other side of the difficult times and sometimes right in the middle of them. God has equipped us with everything that we need to get through tough times, and we hope to help listeners learn how to use what we have been given in order to win. So join me on May 12th for rooted and overflown. You can listen and subscribe at pod being apple podcasts, Google podcasts at Spotify or three your RSS feed and never miss a show. Please tell a friend about rooted and overflowing, and after a few episodes, I'd love for you to rate and review the show. Thanks for joining me and we will meet again on May 12.