English, Urdu, Sindhi, Katchi

Profile photo for Humaira Shoukat
Not Yet Rated


It is a motivation essay about, How do we maintain discipline in our life.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
discipline is very important to have success in life. It means following up and set of rules and regulations and keeping pass with time. A disciplined life is a key to have success at every stage of life. The student or adult self discipline is more important than imposed discipline in school teachers and principals with the school management are responsible for maintaining discipline at home, parents and guardians have to see whether the child is disciplined or not. Discipline in a student's life acts as a building block for success. Discipline helps us to present ourselves before under in a respectable manner. And discipline is not always a mistake, part of students, but also the part of unorganized family. Remember to start and end the speech with a greeting and thanking people for giving their precious time.