
Profile photo for Steve Newman
Not Yet Rated


This was the chance to use my lower and richer tones to describe a more serious subject.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Is there any room at the inn? Repeated Joseph loudly. Yes, said the innkeeper. Come on in. Joseph looked at Mary Mary. Look to Joseph. Oops, thought horrid, Henry. Now, he remembered. He's supposed to have said no how well in for a penny in for a pound being keeper, Grab Mary and Joseph sleeves and yank them through the door. Come on in. I've got all day, but but but the INS fall, said Mary. No, it isn't, said the innkeeper. It's my and I should know This is the best inn in Bethlehem. We've got TV's and beds and computers. Come on, Joseph. So, Mary, firmly, Let's go to the stable. All I wanna go there, you'll get fleas, said the innkeeper. So said Mary. I like fleas, said Joseph Weekley, one of the world's great rivers flows from the heart of Africa. It cuts through the largest rainforest outside of the Amazon, with wildlife found nowhere else on earth. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a vast, beautiful but tormented place. This country's rich, but his people are amongst the world's poorest. For centuries, these resources have been plundered, has been ravaged by war violence, goes on on now is plagued by Bola. But some changes coming for this country the size of Western Europe. Willy Wonka's voice was Hyeon Flutie Ville. You come forward one at a time, please, he called out. Then show me your golden ticket and give me your name. Whose first? The big fat boy stepped up almost. Costas Galoob. He said, Oh, gust, ascribe Mr Wonka seizing his hand and pumping it up and down with terrific force. My day, a boy. Howard, Good to see you. My name said the next charge to go forward is the Lucas sold, my dear for Oh, how do you do? You do have an interesting name, don't you? I always thought of Aruba's assault award that you had on the sole of your foot. He But I must be wrong. Mustn't die.