
Profile photo for Steve Newman
Not Yet Rated


This is an excerpt from Laurie Lee's autobiographical 'A Moment of War'. It gave the opportunity to show my lower tones and dramatic characterisation.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Spanish (Central American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
on official about of these tiny desk looked to me with a kind of puff I'd indifference. Then he sniffed, asked me my name on my next of kin and wrote down the answers in a child's exercise book. He asked me for my passport and threw it into a draw in which I saw a number of others of different colours. We'll take care of that for you, he said. Would you like some prophylactics not knowing what these were? I nevertheless said yes, And he handed me a bag for which I stowed away in my pocket. You are now in the Republican Army. He then suddenly shot to his feet, raised his fist on saluted Welcome, comrade! He cried. Now you must study victory. CIA Doctor dismissed. He kicked my bags back towards me and turned away