Jonathon Davis, Voice Demo

Profile photo for Jonathon Davis
Not Yet Rated


Here is a demo including a range of voice products including elearning, documentary narration, and character acting.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is Taiwan's capital city of Taipei. The I T industry has played a major role in Taipei's economic growth today. It is one of the leading cities in Asia. But at night, the scene transforms, the town is suddenly bustling with customers at street stalls. The Taiwanese incorporate the new while preserving the old city is in the rural outskirts of Taipei. It's famous for elaborate funeral processions. Excuse me, firefly. Do you have a lamp for me? Thank you. Excuse me, folks. Do you have a fork for me? Thank you. Excuse me. Rabbit. Do you have a table for me? Thank you very much Haagen dogs. More. Mm. Per mouthful. Just a few years after the Germanic people invaded. Almost all traces of Roman language, culture and institutions have disappeared. Unlike the Celtic and Roman Britons, the Anglo Saxons were not Christians, they still worshiped the ancient gods of northern Europe also, unlike the Britons, they were illiterate and could not write down their history. So little is known about their way of life. I wouldn't worry if I were you. You see this has been planned extremely well and with every contingency accounted for only a fool wastes energy on something they cannot control. But what if you can control certain outcomes, then you can sit back, relax and just watch how things play out to your advantage. So, no, don't worry, I've had this plan for quite a while and it's playing out quite nicely. I need you guys to come in hard and fast. Allen. You need to cover us as we go in. When I shall go. You need to chase after that plane as if your own mother was burning up inside Jones. If you can keep the supply up, then we have a good chance of wrapping up this mission by sundown. Now, stay focused. Think fast and truth and remember to rely on each other. Let's move out. You're listening to Jay Wave, listen to the following sentences and mark true or false on your answer sheet. Number one. A Queen Victoria reigned for over 80 years. B the dominant race in England was the Normans. See the Scots invaded the north of England.