ELearning Compilation (educational, informative, corporate training)



Clips from recently booked / completed eLearning projects. Conversational, informative, clear, professional, corporate, narrator, believable, real person.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
few emotions are as intense as young Love Your Heart says The person is going to be with you forever. But more often than not, young Love is fleeting. Actress Dina Benton masterfully captured this contradiction in her title role in the Broadway musical Natasha Pierre and The Great Comet of 18 12. Her acting and powerful vocals inspired audiences, impressed critics and earned Benton a Tony Award nomination. Answer the following question by selecting the correct response or responses and incorrect answer may mean that you need to review Part one again. Which of the following negative actions could share and be experiencing a harassment? Be discrimination. See in civility. Don't forget to offer every customer a chance to enroll in a home protection plan. Just offer every call every time. With our home protection plans, homeowners and renters across our jurisdictions can gain peace of mind knowing they're covered against costly home repairs and replacements. Once the mud plug vapor barrier is installed, confirm its integrity visually by looking for gaps or large cracks. You should also check the oxygen level and lower explosive limit or L E l or confirmed they're being checked with a multi gas monitor to make sure there are no hazardous vapors in the work area. Continuous atmospheric monitoring should occur throughout hot work activities to confirm the integrity of the mud plug seal, the L E L should remain at 0%. If hazardous papers are detected, all hot work should be stopped so the mud plug can be repaired.