Five Nights at Freddy's Demo


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I don't recognize you. You knew. I remember this scenario. However, it's a strange thing to do. Teoh, come here. I'm curious. What events would lead a person to want to spend their nights in a place like this? Willingly. Maybe. Curiosity, maybe a clearance. There's a spares. A space under the desk. Someone before you crafted it into a hiding place. And it worked for him. Recommend. Recommend that you hurry though you will be safe. Just turn out to make eye contact. It will be over soon. They will lose interest when your when your guy comes back online is going to tell you that he wasn't successful. That you must restart the system manually. He will then tell you to crawl through below or a gallery as fast as he came to reach the breaker room. If you follow his instructions, you will die. Laura will not return. But Laura will not return to the stage anymore. She will catch. The power will be restored shortly. When you crawl through a bull or a gallery, go slow. She cannot see you. It can only listen for you. When you hear her music become louder. She is growing near listening for you. Wait and be still