Healthcare training

Profile photo for Harriet Woolley
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at the I H. A N Hospital network. We take our patient's health on DH how they're treated with the utmost importance. The I H N sees our network of teams on DH hospitals as a light of hope for thousands of patients in their darkest hour. That's why it's crucial that our entire team is up to speed on the best and most current patient care standards. It's your professional commitment to take care of your patients on DH to make sure that they are never harmed in this training video will walk you through i. H ends Updated patient care policy. These new standards will ask you to assess your thinking on DH. Change some routines that you have developed to ensure every patient receives the best treatment possible. The adoption of our redesigned patient care processes involves not just occupational therapists but everyone on staff from administration to the patient's families. As an example, suppose a patient was improperly and prematurely released from the hospital and suffers a serious fall at home. We need to assess all processes that lead up to that decision, including where was the system faulty? Why did it experience a breakdown and how can we fix this