The Beach in Hawaii

Profile photo for Hara Hara
Not Yet Rated


Description of beach in Hawaii.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a beating. Hawaii is like a paradise to start with. The beach smells fresh like a new ocean air freshener. The sand is so hold that when you walk on it after the sea, you feel like you walk on a burning grill. Not far from the shore. You can see the palm trees they sway in the air from the strong wind in a distance. There is a beautiful house by the water so you can see the navy blue ocean every day. People are laughing and playing on the burning sand, and others are relaxing on the beach Sun bar thing From a far distance. The ocean is a deep navy blue. At nights you can only hear the waves of the ocean and the light wind, which comes from the huge palm trees. To sum up, this beach is an amazing place for a perfect summer holiday.