Audiobook - Narrator, Characters, Cocky, Bubbly, Fantasy

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Audiobook - Narrator, Cocky, Bubbly, Fantasy, Characters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Harper raises an eyebrow at Amelia. His teeth flash a mischievous smile and his eyes twinkle in the candlelight. Well, well, well, look who's graced our beloved sanctuary of stories. Amelia, the adventure herself. What brings you here today? Amelia's eyes light up. She sets a heavy satchel off to one side and straightens her power with pride. I came across something incredible. I stumbled upon this hidden cave filled with ancient manuscripts and maps, but it's so dark. I couldn't see much more than a few pages, but I've been thinking about the maps and staring at them for so long, I think. Oh, Amelia's voice trails off as she notices a book on a nearby shelf. Its cover is a vibrant shade of red with gold letter spelling out the title The Secrets of The Forgotten Kingdom. Without hesitation. Amelia reaches up for the pulling it off of the shelf with a sense of urgency. She flips through the pages, her eyes glued to the words on the page. The language is archaic and difficult to decipher but Amelia can feel the power emanating from each page. Harper watches her with amusement.