Commercial demo male American English

Profile photo for Gyrat GoldenWing
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Various commercial demos

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
They say variety is the spice of life. We say spices help too. New flavors are everywhere at Publix. You'll never heal the wounds that you keep hidden. Talk to a friend about your mental health and if you need a professional, go to nay dot org. A message from the National Alliance on mental illness. Not sure which flooring to get or which color paint with the Lowe's app. You can see how they'll look in your home. So now no more guessing Lowe's never stop improving. Is it possible that Dollar Shave Club Razors leave your skin feeling too soft and smooth? Why don't we let your new admirers decide Dollar Shave Club? My cat has mastered the art of doing nothing and because new fresh step outstretch cat litter last way longer, I can start doing less too, be more like your cat. Fresh step outstretch. Don't just stare at the horizon. Chase it. Then go anywhere. Do anything Toyota Tundra. Let's go places.