Home Studio Reel

Profile photo for Glen McCready
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Work samples. All VOs were recorded at my home studio and they comprise TV ads, online ads, corporate narration, video games, animation, Elearning and more.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


Austrian British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to my 2023 home studio reel. Thank you for listening. Once upon a time, there was a developer who could bend his world to his will for the future of our planet. We need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. And that journey toward truth never stops. The truth is on the water. It's a testament to Bud Light's unparalleled commitment to protecting the beard of humans everywhere. This cooler is efficiently bare resistant degreed learning experience gives your workforce the elasticity to learn what they need. Guess what? You're creative. Yes, you and you and you over there. Not, you just kidding. You too. But never fear. The expert physicians at Boston Medical Group are putting science to good use. Let your imagination run wild at soak dot com. Evil. Never sleeps but must sometimes sit down. I have a dragon harassing my kingdom. Have no fear. Your mats day killing dragons is what I do best. Don't really think anyone will believe you found this. No, you're a woman of bitter landscape. Frosted white. She grew up in this icy cold money penny. I've found Scaramanga. Hide out on the Costa Del. So suddenly there is hope again. Suddenly there is still a planet to save, but the clock is ticking and time is running out Gloria hotels and resorts who throws away a perfectly good piece of cheese.