British english podcast storytelling exaggerated lisp animated



Full body Chills podcast story The Helper

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
At the barely inaudible tap of her toe upon the stair ahead, poked around from the landing below. A woman. An older woman, she was maybe in her 70's or 80s, with a big, earnest smile and the rosiest of cheeks. She wore a pastel smock kind of like the one anna's mother wore at work. She reminded her of Mrs Adler Child. Welcome! The old woman spoke, waving anna down the stairs, and thank you for coming. Thank you for having such hard for people in need. Is your mommy or daddy with you? Anna shook her head. The old woman smiled. Such a brave one, too. Is this your first time giving blood? Anna nodded. The old woman smiled broader. She had those big, perfect, unnatural teeth that looked like Mrs Adler's dentures. Anna hated mrs Adler's teeth, but was ashamed of herself for that. She was ashamed of herself for hating this lady's teeth too. We have Kirk ease at the end, as many as you want. Don't be nervous. Come down now.