Video Game - The Walking Dead Last Mile - Sara Kaasen - Tough - Leader

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I play Sara Kaasen in The Walking Dead Last Mile, available exclusively on Facebook Gaming

Video Game - The Walking Dead Last Mile - Sara Kaasen - Tough - Leader

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Can I help? Not sure. Any amount of help will cut it, ground's frozen still. Why? Here? This is where you bury your dogs. I used to babysit the twins. You know, that was hard. Mom always said I gave my sister a hard time. It wasn't that different from Karen for a new puppy. You know, you feed him clean up after him. Try to teach him not to make a giant mess. Sure. I guess I'm never gonna have kids of my own. But I have my dogs and the Appleton twins. Well, they sort of joined the pack. Used to be a lot more people in my pack. Now. It's just the dogs. I could be in your pack if you want. I don't need any more people to grieve over this is useless. We're never gonna break through.