Animated Whiteboard - WorkSync - Business - Compliance - Professional

Profile photo for Gina Scarpa
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2021 animated whiteboard video I voiced for WorkSync

Animated Whiteboard - WorkSync - Business - Compliance - Professional

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
compliance is critical for your business, but with a range of complex, ever changing labor laws, it can be difficult to manage exposing your organization too costly violations and fines. That's why work sink is here to help you minimize risk and ensure compliance so that your business can thrive. Work sinks proactive time and labor management engine enables you to adhere to federal, state and local regulations. All while accommodating employee leave requests, dealing with unexpected absences and monitoring coverage demands with work sink, you could automate the administration of paid sick leave laws and streamline leave accrual caps and carry over time according to the rules in your region. And when it comes to overtime pay, our calculation engine efficiently handles complicated requirements, allowing you to manage employee timecard approvals, objections and record keeping at the clock or via desktop and mobile apps. Okay?