Genna Holt - Voice Demo(Welcome to WCE!)

Profile photo for Genna Holt
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Welcome video for a school district.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome Toe Wanaka Elementary at Wanna Code Elementary. Our vision is to have an inviting, child centered atmosphere where with a balanced curriculum, stimulating instruction and a partnership between students, staff and parents, all students will become productive citizens on lifelong learners. Our mission is to guide and nurture each student so they will grow toward their personal best. At our school, we believe in the great potential of our students way believe all students camp and we'll learn way believe all students are motivated by high expectations from teachers and parents. Way believe all teaching and learning should be child centered and engaging. Way believe a safe, inclusive and caring environment enhances student learn. Therefore, all of us at W. C. E are dedicated to providing your child with an excellent educational experience at Wanna Cove Elementary. We believe tiny seeds grow into great things, and we look forward to seeing that growth every day. So join us at wanna code elementary come grow with and, as always, go Wildcats with