Genna Holt - Voice Demo(It's Time to Register)

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Voiceover work for a kindergarten registration video for a school district.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it's time for kindergarten registration. Entering kindergarten marks an exciting transition for your child. From the moment your student arrives on campus, we're committed to providing a safe, clean and vibrant community for each student to excel personally and academically. Developing a strong foundation in a child's early years in school lays the base for success and all future academics are kindergarten program at Wanted Cove Elementary and steals a lifelong love of learning in our students through a safe, secure and inclusive environment. At W CEO, all of our students start their day off by receiving free universal breakfast. Our teachers and staff realized the importance of breakfast, and it's contribution to a day full of fun and learning. Each day, our kindergarten students spend time developing their phony MK awareness. Phony **** awareness is the understanding that spoken words are made up of individual sounds. Ah, child who is phony? Mickley aware understands that words are made up of sounds. However, a child who is phony **** proficient are able to isolate, blend segment and manipulate the individual sounds and words Funny. **** awareness is often the missing piece for so many readers. So here a W. C e. We strive to begin developing this awareness early. Children with this understanding will be able to transfer it to print, helping them to be able to read and spell more words. Our kindergarten programming is also one that inspires creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication skills are qualified and caring. Educators provide personalized attention to the needs of each student. Your child will have endless opportunities to play, wonder and learn. All of these things work together to provide your kindergartner an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social emotional problem solving and study skills they will use throughout their education. Not to mention you may just have the next great American musician living in your house before your student knows that it's already time for lunch. Your student can either pack their lunch from home or enjoy a hot, nutritious meal and our cafeteria here it school here a W C. E. Each student receives their own digital learning device. The need to teach Children how to rely on technological resource is when learning new skills is increasing. Thus, technology in the kindergarten classroom is essential for giving early learners a good introduction to these new skills at wanna Cove Elementary. We believe tiny seeds grow into great things, and we can't wait to have your child and family joined our school community and grow with us. So help prepare your child for a successful future by registering them today for a quality education. At wanna Cove Elementary. For more information, check out our website or give us a call at 3365914408 We look forward to hearing from you soon and, as always, go Wildcats.