Anxious, try this.

Profile photo for Georgette Brown
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This is a clip form a book guided clients through anxiety through a proven method to ease your anxiousnes.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is Georgette Brown auditioning for anxious. Try this a simple proven method to ease your anxiety by Sherry Hall. Anxiety is a formidable force. It wreaks havoc on daily life for people of all ages and backgrounds all over the world. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 970 million. That's one in every eight people globally suffer from anxiety disorders. The majority of whom are women with research indicating that they are 60% more likely to develop an anxiety disorder in their lifetime for people highlighted in those statistics and even those who are undiagnosed. Anxiety creates an unrelenting war inside the mind with a barrage of worry, fear and doubt which won't let up the thoughts are so persistent. They make it difficult to focus on anything else like trying to have a conversation with someone while another person is shouting in their ear for many people with anxiety. These thoughts can become constant companions, never letting them alone for a moment of peace. They can range from small worries about forgetting something important to more significant fears about the future and what might happen. These exist in the head. Yet they can be so vivid and tense that they feel like reality, making it difficult to separate them from what's real. It's a tireless battle trying to calm anxious thoughts and quiet. The voice in your head. Do you understand fighting such a melee? Are you among the hundreds of millions who struggle to find peace and calm amid the mental chaos, anxiety creates? There are young people just graduating who encounter overwhelm even through the excitement of embarking on this new phase of life, freedom and responsibilities which accompany adulthood usually feel daunting, leading to feelings of anxiety and stress. The pressure to succeed and make the right decisions can be suffocating, causing second guessing and worry about the future. Or perhaps you relate more to the swamped mom, balancing the needs of your Children and family with your own can feel like a constant struggle leading to feelings of guilt and burnout, fretting about your children's safety and well-being makes it challenging to find peace and calm in daily life. The least talked about are the men who struggle with anxiety. In my years of private practice, my male clients had a difficult time opening up about their mental health and well being. It would stir up shame and embarrassment to admit that they had self defeating thoughts and insecurities as if they were somehow supposed to be immune to the havoc stress can cause on a human being. Let the stigmas rest here. No one is immune to anxiety and there is absolutely nothing to feel ashamed about in regard to addressing your anxieties and taking steps to ensure your mental health takes priority. Adults of all ages and backgrounds struggle to get out of their minds and the negative mental chatter that resides there. The incessant rant can make your mind feel like a prison focusing on and enjoying life becomes complicated with the spotlight so heavily concentrated on doom and gloom. The cloud of hopelessness and despair can leave you feeling defeated regardless of your situation. Know that you are not alone in your scraps with anxiety. This book has something for everyone to help entangle from the pain and unease of living with anxiety, feelings of anxiety and the accompanying stress and worry are common, but you do not have to remain in this mental cage with the right tools and guidance. You can not only overcome your anxiousness, but you can also reclaim the reins of your mind and begin to restore balance within all aspects of your life. You will learn how anxiety affects the body as well as what it does to the mind. The connection between the two is unbreakable. We will explore this link and how you can elevate the workings of both your mind and your physical body to reestablish coherence and balance within yourself. By exploring proven strategies, practical tips and inspiring stories. You will gain a deeper understanding of your anxiety and learn how to tackle it head on you will be empowered to reframe your anxiety and build a life with intentionality, presence and delight gripped by anxiety. It can seem like living such a life is impossible. But I'm here to debunk that myth. It is entirely possible. And I can testify to this truth by my first hand experience, I have been in the field of holistic healing for 17 years. I am a certified body talk practitioner and have seen first hand the transformative power of healing the mind day in and day out in the early stages of my career, I helped my clients through some of their darkest moments. Most of them came across my work or were referred to me. They were willing to try anything to find relief. Most of them had explored traditional methods and simply did not find the relief they were hoping for. I was blessed to help countless individuals relieve their ailments holistically find peace of mind and teach them about the undeniable link between their mind, body and emotions. I will forever be grateful for those initial experiences. It was purpose driven and gratifying work. However, as my practice and client base grew, I encountered an increasing level of anxiety trying to keep up with the demand of people seeking relief for this mental funk I got stuck in because the intimate knowledge of what it meant to be anxious ultimately led to several revelations. For me, biggest aha for me was sometimes the textbook answers do not solve the problem. They didn't for me anyway, which led me to a quest to find out just what would work for me. It was not easy and it didn't happen overnight. But along the journey, I developed techniques to help myself manage my anxieties. I could not keep those breakthroughs to myself. And I eventually started teaching my clients to use the same methods I did. After building an internationally acclaimed healing practice, I realized that my clients could be better served by teaching them how to heal themselves rather than putting a bandage on the problem or having them rely solely on me for the answers. I have since dedicated my time to developing courses on body coherence and the power of going within oneself to heal my education and experience have synergistically come together in beautiful harmony to deliver the lessons I impart in my clients today. Witnessing them create happiness from the inside out has fueled my sense of purpose and desire to reach even more people struggling with mental health challenges. In this book. I want to remind you that you are not broken and your mind and body are capable of healing. It is my firm belief that healing does not have to be painful, difficult or expensive. It can be simple, practical, inexpensive and even fun with my experience and expertise. I believe I'm the right person to guide you in overcoming anxiousness and finding Raul. But my guidance can only take you so far. The rest is up to you. When talking with people struggling with anxiety and stress, I often find they are trying to maintain their normal activities while also dealing with their mental health challenges, ultimately leading to overwhelm and continually placing others needs ahead of their own. After all, most of us have other people who depend on us, Children, spouses, family, friends, colleagues, we often feel like we can't afford to take a step back from it all. Even if only briefly, however, you need to cut back from commitments to make room for healing, you must prioritize yourself and do the work necessary to restore your mental and emotional health. Even if it feels selfish, taking care of yourself is crucial to be a good emotional, physical and spiritual place to effectively care for others. Just like putting on your oxygen mask first before assisting others in an emergency. Turn the page to symbolize you putting on this mask as you start your courageous path of healing your mind and body, take a deep intentional breath as you embark on your journey within