Commercial Demo Reel

Profile photo for George Rodman
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Sample of Commercial Demos

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Warm up this season with Olive Garden's oven baked pastas like our new ravioli carbonara Olive Garden. We're all family here. It's an incredibly powerful slogan right now. You may have cancer but what your cancer doesn't know is you have us. The Dana Farber Cancer Institute shows its personal approach to cancer treatment and state of the art facilities. This is how it feels to do more with less asthma. Thanks to Dupixent. Dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. It's an add on treatment for specific types of moderate to severe asthma and can help improve lung function for better breathing. Not far from today's busy, often disconnected world for earning a living and living. The moment you've earned, you're ready with car heart at Domino's. Next time you order two medium, two topping pizzas for 6 99 each. You could be in for a shock because Domino's is now our experienced instructors will train your employees from start to finish from DMV, test preparation to practicing drive test skills.