Geoffrey Newland English Commercials 2020 - Warm, confident, friendly, genuine, sincere

Television Ad


Guy Next Door, Confident, Friendly, Conversational, Witty, Informative

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
shop at home or on the go and let us do the hard work. Relax while we get your order ready for delivery in our climate. Controlled for film and centre. Our award winning drivers will then set off, and once they've wiped their feet, they'll deliver your order right to your kitchen table. Welcome to Accardo. Coffee can be seen in so many ways. Coffee can be fun. Coffee Khun B on coffee. Khun B. Classic or irreverent? Even a discovery Nescafe. A dull Chico Stone Coffee is not just black You've got the sun and the rain in your hands You've got the wind and the clouds in your hands You've got the rivers and the mountains in your hands You've got the whole world in your hands You've got the Volvo s 40 c I love winter time Umbrellas make the great escape novelty off numb fingers, clothes mohr water than fabric Gail force makeovers The puddles that lined a wobbly slaps Just waiting to pounce up your leg The wind that blows you backwards, shilling you to the bone, the tidal waves from errant cars and the cold air that takes your breath away away for gotten tomato soup. It has two behind. Moving into a care home is a big decision, whether you're doing it for yourself or for a loved one. So where do you start? Getting? Advice is important, but you are the person you're caring for. Have to make the final decision. Don't forget there are always other options available on. We can help you find them on AIDS UK dot org's.