UK's Spookiest



A dark and spooky documentary read with a mysterious, brooding soundtrack. Heavy vocal processing over a husky and gravelly recording.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Today's episode is the spine chilling tale of Liverpool College. Liverpool College is an ancient school itself is well known for its marital storeys. It's eerie feeling around campus. Liverpool colleges of Populous Expo Centre with his popular for the role reasons. Wait Girl holds strolls, part of the college runs. Plays on the playground, surrounded the chip, regularly scares and stuff. However, the star was sworn to secrecy on it is not discussed with people's. Nobody knows the full truth about college. Maybe it's too terrifying to toe today. We'll be looking at what really happened in Liverpool College. Is this a Why are people too scared to? We will speak to the current students and get their take on what happens on an average day at medical college and listen to their encounters with paranormal activity that takes place every day. This is U. K's