
Profile photo for Gareth Saunders
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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
what happens when Africa's most ruthless killers turn against each other. Animals fight tooth and claw against their own kin to win food territory on rights to the bloodline in the wild, there are no rules. This is animal fight Club Lions, Africa's ultimate warriors. When they turn on each other, fights can be lethal. Alona stalks the Savannah. He's a bachelor. Nine on a mission to mate to establish his bloodline, you'll need to take over this pride by force. Round One is against the Pride's females. They know if the nomad wins, first thing he'll do is kill their cubs to get them ready to mate again. The stakes are high. Welcome to Bizarre E are home to the nation's weirdest accidents. Way take on the strange, careless on the downright ridiculous. No matter what your symptoms are, doctors and nurses are ready to see you. It could well hurt, but we always get results. Prepare yourselves for some seriously weird medicine. Checking into bizarre e. R. This week, the Giza, who took a tumble on landed splats on his old man woman who felt things go crunch when she slipped on a salty snack package way find out why the professionals can also have bizarre accidents. There's a bloke who couldn't cope with the weight of his own tool. We relive the storey of the woman who ran herself over with her own car and survived. Thiss Year House of Windsor celebrates 100 years on the British throne. They are now the most famous royal family in the world and have prospered while other great dynasties have fallen. They've seen their relatives overthrown, murdered and exiled, overcome family feuds, fire and betrayal that they've always followed. One crucial rule. Survive whatever it takes. Whatever the cost, the Windsors learned the dark art of survival in the days of war A century ago, they never forgot. Now channel for Khun uncover their secrets with the help of family insiders, royal experts and some of the most closely guarded papers in the world. On the first time, cameras have been allowed into the queen's personal family archives at Windsor. What we've found rips aside the mask of royal pomp to reveal the human frailties and the secrets of the family that built Britain's most powerful dynasty. What our I P Communications simply put communications or Internet protocol communications lets you make calls over the Internet instead of a traditional phone line, helping you to lower your call costs and get the most out of your Internet Connexion. You may also know it is void or voice over Internet protocol. Cloud based phone systems make use of communications to help you manage your calls, and I hosted securely in the cloud, putting you in control and keeping the right people talking. Even if your business is spread over more than one site or you have home workers, a cloud based system brings all sorts of benefits to your business. They connect your I P phones through your Internet Connexion, giving you everything you'd expect from a traditional phone system on DH lots more for a start. It's simple to set up and use, and you can expect the same level of clarity as a regular landline. A cloud based system lets you work better with colleagues even when you're out of the office, through tools such as conferencing on desktop sharing