Gary's Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Gary Mahmoud
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Listen to Gary perform a varied sample of radio commercial spots.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
all of these things of the reason I live my life on Pinterest. It's helpful. New descriptive guides help steer you in the right direction. It's visual. Sometimes you don't know what you're looking for until you see it. What? It's nothing you expected. No, it's just you. So you're Wow. Look Okay, Denzel, I know what this is about, what you do. You're disappointed because I'm not. I'm not disappointed. Let's be honest with each other. I spirit vodka is made from the distillation of the finest select white wines, the highest quality obtained from the world renowned producing regions of for really invented. Oh, the most famous areas for the art of distillation. The first time he was fed, he turned blue. We soon learned he was suffering from trachea. Esophageal fistula. In short, his esophagus was attached to his lungs, not his stomach. The staff at New York Presbyterian Hospital saved his life. See what's what. When mint automatically organizes your spending into categories like rent, gas, clothes and coffee. And then you can start making money decisions you feel good about when you start understanding at mint dot com. You're on your own with the French women on at the end of a long day of chasing criminals I love slowly sipping and savoring a pumpkin pie spice latte. No whip extra foam, Justus. Much as the next guy. And that's why I get my coffee at Tim Hortons. Where do you get yours? Thistles? Gary Lee. Thanks for listening.