Depending of happiness

Profile photo for Flawiya More
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This describes how the happiness of one's if dependent of the actions and words we do.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
even that basic life on Earth are so many and so varied that one's life is happiness is dependent on conditional factors beyond one's control. The result is it is impossible to attain compete. Happiness, health off mine on body is an important condition off happiness. But in health or mental suffering or board seems to be the common lord off mankind again. Man's happiness greatly depends upon those whom he has to deal with daily life. Plenty does not need to seem to solve the problem, for the more one has, the more one desires Alexander, who conform though then known World Weapon for More World Toby conspired. True. Whoever has no one's has contentment which leads to complete happiness. Perfect contentment ever remains an ideal to be realized. The sentiment off compassion in men prevent him from being happy. Buddha, who could not be here to see human suffering, renounce the world and preach the gospel off universe sympathy. So life is not an unmixed joy. It is well word, considering the effect off this on life. The attend difficulties and suffering in life are a blessing in Discuss This guy's the Help man make grow morally and spiritually, inasmuch as they then constantly to remind him off God, the River of Bliss, hence Gandhi's last prayer to Lord Krishna for trouble in life so that she may always think of him.