Medical professional and Counselor

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Spent a lot of time over 20 years with public speaking and group sales presentations

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North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


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What happens to you the first time you find out that your dreams just ain't real. Don't it hurt? First time you find out that there ain't no such thing as the tooth fairy. I mean, you kind of knew but you still wanted to believe. Same thing with Santa Claus. You kinda knew that you still really wanted to believe. And then there was equality. You had learned that there was this constitution bill of rights and oh yeah, the declaration of independence where all men were created equal. Then you found out your asks wasn't equal. You kinda knew what you really wanted to believe. And then old in there was love and marriage. You hooked up with your high school sweetheart. Then went to some pork chop eating congregation, screwing honestly spoiled buttermilk reverend and got yourself married. Only to find out that sticks and stones may break your bones but the divorce will murder your ***. I mean, you're kind of new but you just didn't want to believe it. And then, oh then, then there was your career. You know, the job that was supposed to reward you if you work real hard, keep your nose clean and did the right thing. The one that promoted the guy that you trained or had a cut back, just when you thought you had made an impact, they screwed you on general principle. That dream you kind of knew. But, well, you get the point.