The art of start 2.0



The beggining of the book the ort of start 2.0 by Kawasaki Guy

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The art of the start. Two point oh time tested battle harder guide for everyone is starting anything guy Kawasaki to my Children, Nick Noah Nomi and Gustavo Children are the ultimate startup. And I have four, many years ago, Roger Kipling gave me an address at Mil University in Montreal. He said one striking thing which deserves to be remembered, warning the student against an over concern for money or position or glory. He said someday you will meet a man who cares for none of these things. Then you will know how poor you are. Harford E loco acknowledgements in giving advice, seek to help not please your friend. Solo version 2.0 write what you know that should leave you with a lot of free time. Howard me me, Ro read me first. I have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out. That is the reason why I compose Ludwin Van Beethoven. If I knew then what I know now most experienced entrepreneurs say this at some point. My goal is that you won't have to because you read this book. I have started three companies invested in 10 and advise organization as small as two people and as large as Google, I have worked for Apple twice and I'm chief evangelist of a startup called CAVA. Hundreds of entrepreneurs have pitched me until my right ear won't stop ringing when it comes to startups. I have been there and done that several times over now, I'm doing what techies call a core dump or recording what's in my memory. My knowledge comes from my scars. In other words, you will benefit from my hindsight. My goal is simple and pure. I want to make entrepreneurship easy for you. When I die, I want people to say guy empower me. I want lots of people to say this. So this book is for a broad population. Number one guys and gals in garages, dorms and offices. Creating the next big thing. Number two great souls in established companies bringing new products to markets. Number three, social entrepreneurship in nonprofits making the world a better place, great companies, great divisions, great schools, great churches, great nonprofits, great entrepreneurs. That's the plan a few details. Before we start, my, my original intent was to merely update this book. However, I keep adding, altering and deleting. Thus, this isn't a 1.1 kind of version. This is a two point oh whole integer real me version. When my editor at Penguin told me to turn on track changes in word so that copy editing will be easy. I landed. Version 2.0 is 64% longer than version 1.0 for bravery. And because entrepreneurs are more similar than different, I use the word startup to refer to any new venture profit or nonprofit and the word product to refer to any new product service or idea, you can apply these lessons of this book to start almost anything. So don't get hung up on semantics. If you're reading the preparation of this book, you will see text that is underlined or utilized. This text is hyperlinked to the ebook version. You don't need to buy the ebook, but I guarantee that you will gain more than the cost of the ebook in additional mile. If you did for every recommendation, there is an exception and I could be wrong learning by anecdote is risky. But writing for scientific proof is to remember a few things are right and wrong in entrepreneurship. There is only what works and what doesn't work. I assume that your goal is to change the world, not study it.