Relatable Girl Next Door American Voice for Narration and E-Learning

Profile photo for Erin Mead
Not Yet Rated


Please enjoy my demo, including a compilation of a travel guide, gardening e-learning, mental health narration, and biography samples. These were recorded from my home studio as an example of how my voice can bring your project to life.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The quiet hilltop villages, the scenic countryside, the balmy, mediterranean climate and the world class wineries. This is the south of France, one of the world's most beautiful regions with a cultural imprint far larger than its size would suggest gardening is a lot like real estate. It all comes down to location, location, location, position your flowers in too much direct sunlight and they'll dry out too quickly. Place them in too much shade and they won't get the nutrients they need. You also need to place them close to a water source. Sometimes the most important thing you can do for your mental health is to simply disconnect. Doesn't matter how busy you are. Make time for yourself. Could be a long walk or 30 minutes of journaling this type of quiet contemplation can be a powerful way of processing your emotions and may managing your inner life burn A brown may seem like she's got everything together. Bestselling author, award winning speaker, millions of followers, but it's been a long winding road to the top and it was the setbacks along the way that gave her the insights that fueled her success