Narration - Thriller - M/F Dialogue



Excerpt from one of my audiobook narrations, \"Gunning For Truth\". Strong female protagonist, M/F characters, southern accents

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
joe jumped up, slipped on jeans and a t shirt and strode to the door. after removing the towel from the door stopper and pulling the chair away. she put her hand on the doorknob. the voices had grown louder. go to let me, that was a man loud and furious. then something from a woman that joe couldn't understand. she opened the door and peeked out, the parking lot was washed in a hazy yellow glow from the lights hanging along the side of the building. the lone flickering street light at the far end was useless. a dark dodge ramp pickup truck parked a few spaces down from joe's door was the only vehicle joe didn't have a car. she hadn't owned one in a long time when she was stationed in dc. she could use the metro and she didn't want to deal with the extra expense when she'd been overseas so much. no other guests at a small motel in a lazy town where a large part of the population had drifted off to bigger cities with more economic opportunities. the shouting continued and joe stepped out to the sidewalk then strode next door, the window was partially open. the voice is clearer. what the hell were you thinking? the man's voice was low now with a thick southern drawl that couldn't mask the lethal mix of anger and threat. i said i was sorry, the woman sounded shaky. sorry. don't cut it a crack like skin on skin. a palm on someone's face. i ought to kill. the man started to say joe knocked on the door before hearing any more. almost out of reflex, so much for anonymity. now you've done it. his voice came from inside footsteps and the door opened to reveal a man in black boxers. he stood a couple of inches taller than joe's 5 ft nine with big arms and legs. a bit of a paunch and thinning reddish blonde hair. what? he snapped the smell of alcohol heavy on his breath. he stared at her with bloodshot brown eyes. joe glanced past him. light from a nightstand lamp shone on a woman perched on the edge of a queen sized bed. she looked to be about 40 with streaks of gray weaving through her long brown hair. all she had on was underwear and a plain bra. even though the light was dim. joe could see red on her cheek. grady. she said as she put a hand to her face. are you ok, joe asked, she's fine. grady said, joe glanced back and forth between them taking the whole scene in. is there a problem here? his gaze was icy. mind your own business. joe tilted her head considering him grady seemed like the kind of man who expected to be listened to, for people to jump when he said jump, she'd run into his type before. they didn't bother her. she smiled at him. friendly. i'm in the room next door and your arguing woke me up. so this, she gestured towards their room is my business. grady's eyes narrowed and he jabbed a finger toward her room. you'd better get back there right now if you know what's good for you, joe stared past him to the woman. once again, she found herself jumping in to help a stranger and once again, she couldn't stop herself if she could right a wrong she would, it was in her dna. do you need help? joe asked her before the woman could answer. grady took a step to the left. joe followed his glance to a half empty bottle of whiskey which sat next to a glock 43 pistol on a round table underneath the window. grady looked back at joe. don't go for it. she said his spine stiffened. what are you going to do? joe sighed. i don't want any problems. ok. why don't you get your stuff and go? she pointed to the woman, just leave her alone. the man puffed out his bare chest and took a step toward her. i said, what are you gonna do about it? he was bigger than joe, but his muscles looked flabby out of use and he was drunk as he raised a fist, she stepped toward him, grabbed his wrist and pulled him in front of her. the move was rapid and unexpected and it took him off guard just as quickly. she spun him around. he swore and tried to twist out of her grasp. but unlike him, she kept herself fit and she had the element of surprise. joe shoved him against the door jam, his head bounced off the wood and blood spurted from his nose. a cartoon bright red spattering the wall grady grunted in shock and pain. he tried to resist, but she held him firmly in place. i'm gonna mess you up good. he snarled his face against the wood. joe yanked his arm up until he winced again and even let out a small mule of pain. she looked at the woman get his clothes.