Narration-Non-Fiction Self Help/Animal Care



Excerpt from one of my audiobook narrations, \"The Human Animal Connection\" by Genie Joseph.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this is a book about relationships. relationships between humans and animals. it was written for people who love animals and seek to go deeper in their communication and connection with the animal world. all relationships benefit from greater understanding and purer more authentic communication, including the relationship with the animals who share our lives, being more peaceful, balanced, and empathetic with animals, changes who we are and just as importantly, it changes the potential for how we relate to other humans. we know that animals communicate while the full extent of how they communicate may not be fully understood. the body of evidence, supporting how rich and deeply emotional their communication is grows by the day. thus, we can no longer deny that animals do communicate. they teach, learn, remember, make complex choices are capable of empathy and have a sense of self and other animals are communicating all the time, but it is up to us to listen. listening, helps us connect in deeper ways and opens the door to a more loving and profound relationship. animals have much to teach us if we are willing to accept their wisdom and not only can they help heal us, but by truly understanding them, we can be of service and begin to repay humanity's debt to animals. we are living in a time of tremendous breakthroughs in the scientific understanding of animal cognition and intelligence. animals can no longer be viewed through unenlightened prejudice as if they are simple mechanistic automatons powered only by instinctual responses. they have minds, emotions, thoughts and desires, and they have strategies for solving problems. they laugh, they play and they bond deeply. it is exciting how many scientists who are on the vanguard of animal studies are willing to explore the rich inner lives of animals, including a few who dare to contemplate the question of animal consciousness. now is the time to embrace what unites us with the entire animal kingdom. after all, we are all animals learning to communicate even more deeply with animals will expand your world in delightful ways. i'm thrilled that you are ready to take the next step on your healing journey. and i wish you all the wild joy of a deeper connection with all living things. part one, how to be a better human for your animal overview. we love our animals but we don't always understand them or their needs. so called bad behavior is often an animal's misguided attempt to feel safe and connected, but it often produces the opposite result. in part one of the human animal connection. we explore several ways we humans can connect to our animal nature in order to better understand what their behavior is trying to communicate to us. one important way we do. this is by coming to our senses. this is how we can open up the world of communication between us and our wise friends. in the animal kingdom. arthur schopenhauer once said compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character. and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man. oscar story. there is a saying, saving one dog will not change the world. but for that one dog, the world will change forever. oscar was that one dog? when i adopted him. he had been at the shelter in hawaii a very long time. he had that slow, sad sweetness. i just found irresistible. i didn't care that he was missing teeth that he had scars all over his brown body or that he was mostly pitbull. i was told he had been forced to be a pig hunter and had escaped with his expensive gps collar and was never claimed by his cruel owners. when i first brought him home, all you had to do was reach for something and watch him cower to imagine what he had endured. but oscar was pure love. he taught me that we do not need to be ruled by our past. we are who we choose to be in each new moment. oscar and i learned to become a therapy dog team and we made regular visits to tripler army medical center in honolulu. one day oscar stopped outside the door of a room of a wounded young man letting me know this was someone he wanted to meet.