E learning full demo

Profile photo for Eric Loes
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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
so as happy as we are that you've joined the Anheuser Busch Brewery team there, something's exclusive, this location you need to know before taking your spot on the line. Carl's, for example. This Karl is a chimpanzee who's been with the brewery nearly 16 years that Carl is a line super who's been with Berry almost a long. You'll only see one of them on the line with a tall boy. 11 a.m. Oh, before you get any ideas, click next to check out your responsibilities and Corporates expectations. You're a pro, and this six part video series details everything. Home Depot offers your business so you could doom or and spend less. Click, play all now, or select a service from the left. Great job. Now let's leap and learn more shapes. This'll is an octagon. Gino. You probably see Octa cons every day. Think aboutthe street signs. You see which of these street signs is an octagon? That's right. The stop sign is an octagon swipe left to learn more street sign shapes. Knowing what covered causes of loss are is an important part of your job as a personal lines property adjuster, water damage that is sudden. An accidental is one covered cause of loss. Walk into a policy holders home and find the first floor. Ca mod has fallen through the sub floor to the basement duty. Years of rot is not sudden. An accidental and not covered. Little Jimmy flushes his Spider Man underwear and the CA mod backs up when overflows is sudden and accidental and covered up to the policy limit to learn about other covered causes of loss. Click the next button. Welcome to Bank of America. Walk up a mission center. Please enter your pin number using the keypad. Thank you. What may I help you with today? Please use the keypad to select one for cash to for checking three for savings. You have selected cash.