Nothing to See Here



Audiobook excerpt

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
they catch on fire? I said, I know. May I ask you something? Miss Bricker? What is it? I asked do you have any experience with childcare? Do you have medical training? Do you have a degree in child psychology, I can take care of two kids. I told him I'm not trying to be rude for instance, do you know Cpr jeez carl? Yes I know CpR I said I have a certificate even. I'm certified. I can bring the kids back to life. Two years ago an old lady had died in the produce section while I knelt over her waiting for the ambulance. After that the owner of the store made everyone get trained in CpR and first aid. Okay, that's good, he said, smiling. I took a class in fire safety too. I said I know how to use a fire extinguisher on a child. He asked if they're on fire. I told him he walked over to the kitchen and opened the door to what I thought was a pantry. Instead it was filled top to bottom with gleaming red fire extinguishers. Well then I guess you'll be fine carl? I said, Yes, he replied. Do you think I came up with this idea? Do you think I scammed Madison into giving me a job taking care of these weird kids? No, not at all. I think senator roberts and mrs roberts have been placed in an unusual situation. I think they are doing the best that they can. They are trying to be responsible and empathetic considering the circumstances and I think you are simply a part of that larger desire to help these Children. But I do not think this is the correct response. I think this is going to be a disaster. They're just kids. I said, I'm here to assist in any way that I can. He told me think of me as someone who can help you when you run into unforeseen problems. Just then Madison appeared in the doorway. Don't you love it? She asked. The polka dots. Carl somehow found a way to stand even straighter than he had been like, His bones locked into some unknown posture that not even soldiers could achieve. I nodded, looking around the house carl, I said, what do you think of the polka dots? Do you love it? He smiled. It's very appropriate for Children. He finally said, Very festive Kara likes it, I said to Madison, We need to get you some clothes, Madison said to me, Let's go shopping. Sounds good, I said, And she linked arms with me and we left Carl standing there like it was his birthday and not one person had dreamed of coming to his party. He creeps me out a little Madison. I told her as we walked to the garage. I guess that's kind of his job, she replied, But he makes people uncomfortable or super comfortable based on the situation. I don't think he likes me. I said, Well, I'm not sure that he even likes me. She told me, who cares