

Animation and character demo reel

Vocal Characteristics




British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) Polish


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Listen up maggots. See the rack to the left full of LX 12 rifles. Go grab one and come back here on the double go. Go go. Well, if it isn't the living failure, finally decided to stop playing Prince and learn to let the adults talk or are you just going to keep weighing your father down? No. Listen, here, young ones, a lot of advice, avoid going west of the village. But that's where the bad lands are now run along. District 32 is home to some of the greatest heroes of all time along with some of the most dangerous villains. But still one day I'm gonna take my place up at the top. Just you wait. Now, there's no way something like that can't exist. I need to leave where my, where are my keys? Oh, great. Now we're almost done here. Really? All that's left is getting rid of that eyesore of a statue. Ok. Now I'm going to help you the detonator and you can have the honors and now I'm going to be back here behind the wall and train. That's why you are behind the wall.