My podcast Into the rabbit hole

Profile photo for Devin Vann
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This demo is one of my many episodes I have done. It is showing one of the many topics I can discuss, and how anything is up for discussion.

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Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome back to another episode, Uh, with me, Tommy Pickles. Eccentric, comparable tongue. Pickles. This me, your boy, Tommy Pickles. You know what it is? Ah, yeah. It's weird Wednesday, so I don't take a minute to tell you guys. Thank you. If anyone listens to me. Oh, you're awesome. You're amazing because you don't have to listen to me what you do because you think I'm cool. I guess so. Thanks for doing that. But is we're Wednesday. Unless get this started because I'm really excited to talk about this topic. So let's get to be going. So I've always had this thing where I want you to think about this, too. Where? What if your life is not really a really life? Like every house in the Truman Show? The one with Jim Carrey? Yes, we'll watch that. You don't know exactly what I mean. Basically, about this guy, he lived his whole life. Basically, it's a reality show, like is being where his whole life is there being recorded. And he finds out, like when he gets, like, older and stuff and yeah, but what if your life was like that? Like, I always think because I can speak for myself because, you know, it's just me talking and me thinking to myself, um so always died. What if this isn't really my life? Like, what if this is just a life? So I'm putting my brain like everyone is deceiving me. And because I'm like, like my life is really something else. Like what if I got beamed up to a starship just right now I got beamed up to the future. They're just like, Hey, you're back. And I'm just like, What are you talking about? This is it. My like, this isn't really this is in my life, like I don't get it. They're like, Oh, this is your life. Though we just beans you down for the future. I mean to the past just to give you a break or whatever from whatever that will blow your mind, wouldn't it? That's my blood. I'm sure you know the bomb and blow your mind. So, yeah, um or like what? If you got what if What if what? You were living your daily life right now and then you just like all of a sudden someone came at you just weirdly and was like hey, and was like, you were like, Hey, do I know you? And they're like, Ah, you did once And then they just, like, kidnap you and then snap their fingers and then you're back toe. You know, the life you used to live, what you like, really a secret endorsement, have superpowers. But someone just hid them from you until you were ready for McGinn because they do want you to suffer from the really Audi you suffer from. It's almost like you're living in another timeline or something in this isn't your life. That would be crazy. That'll blow my freaking mind. I wouldn't even know to do. Then what if I the memories from though, you know, pretend life? Do you live in the memories from the real life you live? Mix together, being a change your personality altogether and stuff like that I wouldn't be crazy. Is biscuits like what? The ham sandwich. I would just be like, what? What is happening right now? Very cool. Yeah, I say that just because sometimes I think that I just be in my room laying on the on the bed or whatever. I'm laying on just thinking what if someone like being me up right now, I beam me up. Scotty like star tried being me up. And I'm just in a whole different like reality now, Like your reality is not really what you because, you know, they say, uh, I don't know from right. I mean, I don't know if this is the correct correct one, but ah, he it was like, Listen, Ah, we're only believe half of what you see and what you hear or is you have that backwards, or that's the right. But it makes so much sense because your reality is probably not even someone else's reality. Like what you think is like this thing. Someone else. Kate could be held for someone else. Like, you know what I'm saying? And who knows whose reality? Israel. Because I like, for example, when someone, let's say, someone close to you, like died in the world, just needed to end right now your worlds ended, Grant, Listen, house a your world. The world will still keep spinning like the next day, like the sun will come up and it's like nothing ever happened. No one knows, like so you know, I'm saying like were not everyone. It is just crazy stuff. Or what if you're not even like you're someone else's? What if you're someone else's villain in their own in their life, in their life story? A year? Not the main character in your life story. But I mean, you are the main character in your life. Sort of What if it's someone else's life story? You're like their arch nemesis or their village, and you don't even know why that's crazy, right? Cause to you, you're like the hero. Everyone wants to be the hero in their own story or someone cool or someone great almost to be like You're someone else's like, what's another way, like yours in someone else's story? Or you're like your chapter in someone else's story, either. You're a good after a batch after that's up to you to evaluate what kind of chapter like what kind of chapter would you be in someone else's life story? Would you be a short chapter? Would you be a long chapter would be a good chapter? Would it be a tough read like a tough chapter, like what kind of chapter would it be? And that's just talking about books like, you know, book related. But or what if you like or is like a TV show would have from someone's TV show Lie lifts A. Your Life is a TV show. What if you're someone's like cast member like Do you play? Do you think you play will play a big role in cash or you're just off for one season or your own? For a couple episodes like me, I put my life in seasons like I'm in the 23rd season of my life. Right now, there's not really a huge cast or really one at all is just me right now. There are no cast members in this season of the last, like four seasons, though before that there was a lot of cast members in there. All of them played a lot of significant roles. Be a because I had a friend one day, Uh, I want to go visit someone, and then we left. And then he started laughing. He was like people. People love you as a cast member must in my show. I was like, Oh, do that. Yeah, you're very interesting. I just thought that was finally what kind of cast member. Do you think you'll be in someone show like in someone's real life TV show? But I don't know. This is just stuff I think about. But what if your life is not even as a seems to be crazy? What is your like? I have a theory that dreams are also visions. Because I have I have a way, to many coincidence, coincidental Queen Coddington, Lee Kalinka, whatever the word is, you know, the You know what I'm saying. But what if, uh, what if he was like a son of a biscuit? What? The ham sandwich? I lost my thoughts. Uh oh, no, wait. No, no, no. I got it back. What if you were someone's like, I don't know. What if you weren't even a cast member of someone's show? Like what if you're just Ah, a filler? Like, isn't that crazy to think? Because in your mind, you're a big deal, So I'll be Who What kind of filler would you begin? Like you don't say? Like what? I'm a feeler like, Excuse me. I didn't steal it. All my TV shows, like, you know, sciences, this is funny. Be, uh, I'll be back to dream Sorry. Got off topic But my dreams air to Cuenca Dinkel equaling a little of the my dreams were too, like, I think, some revisions because I have a way to many days I've use to be like, Oh, they're just dreams like, No, I can't be just dreams. Like it sucks that we don't know a lot about dreams, like, because when my dreams were normal, Like when I have just typical normal dreams. I have a few days, our views. But I don't know, My tree is you, like, weirdly intense, like strange and like, It's like, I don't even a gets weird intense, like to so intense that when I wake up, I'm just, like is like a normal Matt, but it doesn't even feel really. I'm just like, Oh, what? Like I don't know. I'm just like what? The French toast. You know how you wake up in years? Like, what was that? If you remember your dreams, like one dream I had I still remember this dream I had No, this was two nights ago. Um, Okay, don't judge me for this, okay? Everyone's have with your dreams in our life, so I was over my cousin's house and she lived in this huge like mansion or whatever, and I was over to visit her. And I don't know if you have daughter or something. This kind of looked like my cousin that have now. Ah, I can't remember what she looks like completely, though, because, ah, you know, I don't really visit family or anything, but ah, no. Is she what? She is my cousin in real life. But in the in the dream, she wasn't She was like a like a of a step kid or something like, I don't know, just know she wasn't related to me. And we were, like, had a thing and stuff like that. It was so weird because in my mind, it's like I was I was in the dream in my like and I was in the dream, but half one, my new light. I think this is my dozen. Like this is Okay, whatever. So if you don't know, you have served several dreams and that you don't just have one. You can only remember about a few of them. But you have more than one dream a night like you go through, like, several dreams, but these always remember. And so the next phase of the dream, This isn't even a part of saying this is the different dreams. So I was I think I was a sergeant in the military or something that, like, I was it was military slash and national like it was those two combined. And I was with one of my friends, and she's really big on NASA. Yeah, she wants to like her dream is to do NASA. So I was with her and we were, like both Like in NASA was like a dream come true. And we were doing some crazy stuff. I can't tell you what, but it was crazy, but yeah, I remember stuff like that from, like, two nights ago, and the dreams have nothing to do it Nothing like I don't know why. You know how you have, like, you know how you know people, but you don't really know them that well. You just see their face, and that's about it. But they appear in your dream or something. It's just like, why I don't even talk to them. We don't have any type of relationship or people are you dreaming about? People you haven't seen in years is just like what? I guess not Even a deep either. You just see them in the dream. They have no significance whatsoever. They just you just see them in it. That is so strange to me how dreams work. I even have a heaven tree. Excuse me and kind of barked there. Uh, gross. Right. But I have a dream book, and honestly, you can You can even sure you follow this dream because I don't think, uh, I forget my oh, my facts right now, But we don't even know that much about the brain. I like that whole. We only use 13% of our brain or whatever like that. That's a myth. That's not true. We don't know how much percent we use of our brain because we still are learning about the brain. So I have his dream. But again, it tells you what certain dreams me. But we don't even know because they're not even not everyone's dreams. Like, I've never dreamt about a snake before, and it talks about what if you dreamed a snake or some of the work of that symbolizes like? I don't know. I never dreamt about a snake before. I would have Sorry. Frog in my throat or something. Oh, and if you think it's here, So why didn't he just added thes parts out? I don't know. I just like to do my stuff. Life, like when I'm doing it. I like to just do it like I don't like to, like, stop and cut here and cut there. Like I just like to keep it alive. Unless something crazy happens. Like you hear an explosion in the background. Don't ask why I picked an explosion. But what if you heard, like, an explosion in the background, Then I'll probably cut and edit that out. But, I mean, if it's just something like little things like, you know, the little cough that I did or something like that and you know, that's fine. That I don't I don't see why I should edit that Makes him more like engineered or Riel or something like that. That was me. I don't know, but yeah. Um, you have a dreams. Dreams are weird. The brain is weird. A weird Wednesday is the day it is Well, yeah. So will you always think about? Like what if, Like like I have a whole scenario. Planning. Like what? This is what I would do if I was beamed up right now. It if Scotty beam me up into a starship. And they were like, Hey, Devin, year from ah, you're from the past or whatever. And we need you because later on your ancestor, Mr Pickles or your or your great great my I don't know. Okay, let me peace to use again. I saw this makes sense, so they beat me up on the starship. Hey, Tommy Pickles, Uh, you don't know who we are, but we beamed your from the past because you're one of the founders of like our like hologram system are bored or technology just most of our technology. You're one of the founders, but I'm like how it's only the year 2017 where I'm from. It's like the 24th century we're here. So how my one of the founders there, like, if it wasn't for you, no one would even be crapping. I would've like what? That's quite easy. And they would have been like, Yeah, and we just go on adventures and I feel like I belong there. And I just think on the starship together and just do off space adventures like I wish Starfleet was really like Starfleet Academy, like Like, not like we have now. Well, it's not even call Starfleet Academy, but NASA, but not like we have now. But I wish I lived in the time where you know, we Finally the earth finally got their got their **** together. And we can all get along just well, are well enough to Elise. Hey, so I feel like we have our stuff together. Let's go to other planets and just discover stuff and you know, starships and get trained and all this stuff. And you can you have captain that also like, that'll be dope. I would, because I'm I like science and stuff like that, but I don't really know much about, like, physics or anything, but you know, that will make me want to learn, because you know what better way to learn about stuff if you want to go up a space and just see and adventures and stuff like that or being liaison or something always said I was born in the wrong time either Said I should have been. I should have been born in the nineties like I was born in the nineties. But I mean, like, I feel like I should have been living my prime in the nineties as in, like, I'm born in the eighties or whatever. So and I spend like my teenage years or my twenties in the nineties, and you know what I'm saying? Like, I feel like I should have been, like, get in a earlier time or I should have been born at a later, like you ever just think about. Like sometimes you don't think you should've been born at this time. Should have been born in a different time. Just the way how you are compared to everyone else is kind of weird or whatever. I don't know. I mean, we're all meant to be somewhere in the universe or God. He is the universe and made It has a plan for all of us, so he doesn't really make a steak. But sometimes you just think about mam. Sometimes I think I should have been a different time, like so. But yeah, or what if I'm like some secret? What if I have superpowers for real and someone right now is I'm in a coma somewhere in a room and like, in a hospital bed or whatever, and they're trying to figure out how to wake me up. And this is me dreaming the entire time. That's the exception type stuff. You know what I'm saying? Like what? If you would have you, like, screaming the entire time? Or what if What if this What if your whole life is a dream and then you wake up and you're like, eight years old? Oh, my gosh, I think is eight years old. If I walk about ******, I'll be like So I just lived a whole life because you recall everything. So you so I just love the whole life. And I'm only eight. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, because I don't know that would be so crazy. Don't have you mind blowing like nothing. Israel. What is life? You just are going nuts. Where do you ever think about those people in the ah, in the light, the asylums and crazy asylums? Okay, this is just Hey, Whoa! This is always my personal theory. but I just thought I emphasize it. I think all those people in the mental homes and stuff aren't like not all of them are crazy. I think people put them there, just a lock him up. So to make them sound crazy and stuff like that, like, Oh, we don't listen in there in a mental facility. I think I think the government or somebody who conspiracy like they've locked him up or something like that is just to keep him quiet so no one else will talk. But I don't know. You never know is you know, I'm telling you your reality is not someone else's reality. Everyone's reality is different, like and someone like, just think, Would you be so nice? Like I'm going on a liar topping Now will be so nice to think that in someone else's world, you're like the the best thing that ever happened in their life, like you're the best person ever come through or you What if you are someone's favorite person in their life? Story like this is my all time like Do you know, I don't know how office that I never told me, but it must be a great feeling for someone to tell you. Hey, you're my favorite person ever. Like what? I'll be like What? I mean, it was make me so great. I wouldn't even question I'll be like that is so cool like that is such a big deal. If you're someone's favorite person or or like, way of what if I don't know. There's so much What if stuff that this weird when they should turn the what if Wednesday? Like what if this happened? What if that happened? What if bubble? Uh, but yeah. Or like what? If, you know, I might changes toe. What if Wednesday? Because I'm doing a lot of what it is today is going from were toe what if weird slash What if Wednesday There we go. That's a That's a That's a decent one. Yeah. Do you even know who you are right now? Because I don't get when people say, um, and for those who were listen to me for the first time, This is This is what I do. I just jumped from the thing. The thing is just weird. Wednesday, some jumper from weird things. We normally have a seco, but I don't causes were Wednesday when we're Wednesday be This is this is general when I do so if you hate it. I'm so sorry. Oh, but this is me. So, uh, take it. But ah, freak. I forgot my train of thought, but yet no. So what if, Like why? I think I talked about this last time. Last podcast episode. Ah, but dragons. What if you could shape shift like that? We so dope? If you could shape, like, where animal would you shape shift into a few conservative to anything? Ah, you could say shape, shift and a tongue twister in there. Any animal like that you could think of. But what do you think? Your favor animal will be the shape shifting me personally. I'm not sure because I like a lot of animals. I think it would be between a tiger and a panther because I feel like those air. Loki, My spirit animals outside the dragon and dragon is my true spirit animal. But ah, you can't just have a dragon flipping around in your backyard. You know what I'm saying? Like you know eso If Howard it changed toe a reasonable animal, I'll be a panther and tiger. Those air cool because you know they're just sitting shell. You don't mess with it. It doesn't message you unless your food and they get hungry. But besides that, you you know, Panther man Ah, or I'm really a fan of the Tiger. What is John's favor? Animal? Email me at Van with two hands. D man with two ends at gmail dot com. I really wanna know what China's favour animal is because you there's a lot to say. There's always what? What does everyone say? That there's always a lot to say about what your favorite color is, what your favorite animal is like. There's so much behind that is just like, What if you what is your favorite animal was like a sloth, and you're nothing like a sloth at all like, does that tell you anything like or I do believe it was says a lot. When people say When you go on someone's playlist, it tells you a lot about him. It does because music is poetry in its words, with sometimes it means that sometimes die. But you could just tell. I think that's the easiest way to vibe off someone. If you just like going on a car, ride with them and just haven't just listening to their music and you could tell what kind of person they are, you tell their complicated. They just simple and just I like to be happy. Um, if they're, like, really sad or bubble of our what kind of person they are, you just get a vibe. Heard this one. Quote se. I didn't hear from John Lennon, but I think John Lennon said it correctly for wrong. But he was like, there the teacher they were in whatever great. Uh, you know, I don't think they were teenagers, but he was in retrograde. The teacher told them, Write down what you want to be when you rope and he said, Happy and teacher said, No, you don't understand the assignment and he said, Well, y'all don't understand life as deep a f like that. That's That's basically what I would want to because, you know, when people ask you when you're younger, when you're like six and seven, the teachers always ask you what do you wanna be? The girl? I never could answer that question like it all. I think I said something basic, like a football athlete or something like that. And I didn't even like sports like that. Like, I don't even like watching sports like is so it's boring to me like I don't I'll play him. I'm really playing from time to time, but I don't even like watching because I just don't like I'm not gonna catch me going nuts over the game. Like what? Stop it like it is not even like I haven. People say, Oh, our team like our team, you not only team, I don't see you out there plan like what? You mean my team? They're You know, my team. You're not a GM, you're not. You're just a fan. What you mean? So? But whatever. That's just weed. That's to some for a whole another day. But yeah, Um, yeah, I just want to be happy. Like that's what I want to be when I grow up happy, like literally like not a lot of people are just are just, like, naturally, just happy, like there's a difference between joyful and happy, and I want to be just flat, happy, like Why should want to shoot a person, have to be brie and stuff or go through depression, their entire life or part of the life. Like what's wrong with trying to be happy your entire life, like that's awesome. Who's I can't even think of anyone I've came across who's just been always happy every time I see. No, like, I'm not talking about a fake smile, either, cause you can smell a fakes model that you can tell some people just small, just because the natural instinct. You know, those people who laugh uncomfortably because they're uncomfortable. I'm laughing because I'm uncomfortable, like people like that. But ah, I don't even I don't think I've met a human before. That is just always happy, like I've seen like and I'm not bragging either. Like that's not. I want to see some miners is always happy all the time, which that's hard to do because the world it's is far is very easy to do your worst in the world and so hard to do good things. It really is, like, far too easy to do your worst when we were just trying to do good things in the world. Um, Bess is me. That's just how I roll, but yeah, I just want to be happy. Like what kind of what kind of love do I deserve? Easy question, Tommy. You deserve amazing love with an amazing woman because you're amazing. Yeah, I'm talking to myself right now, but you ever just think about that. Like what? Come on. Like I want to be happy. And what kind of like I want to be so happy in my life that I wanna be so happy that when I finally do meet my wife, I'm such an a happy place that she's just a bonus on top of that, like, you know, saying like, you know, everyone needs or wants love and stuff like that cause love is like, you know, a huge thing for humans, one for actually anything. But it's like a I won't love. But I want to be so happy that love, I just got an amazing woman and federal over her just as a bonus. Like I'm already that happy like I just want to be fine with you. Don't me in doing what I do and what I love to do. You know, I'm saying like that is just ah, hard goal to know it's not. You gotta be got to speak into existence Eventually, I'm gonna be very happy one day. Like what is happy? Are you effort? I see someone who is always, like, kind of in a birdie mood or they're not really the happiest person who ever come across. Within one day, you just see, like, a huge smile on her face. And I'm just happy for like, that one instance is almost like, what if all your memories and stuff well got wiped and you just started from scratch is right then And there like, whatever age you are now, like you enjoy the little things so much, I try to enjoy the little things as much as possible. Like rule number 30 to enjoy the little things. Yeah, man, I'm all over the place today. I went from I got kind of got unnecessarily deep, too. Like what I go to Yong went from freakin talking about what if I got beamed up Teoh all the way to love as crazy sauce? Well, yeah, that's about it. For this were Wednesday Today, though, uh, I didn't have much is just a bunch of this weird slash What if Wednesday basically is what it waas? Um I hope you guys are doing amazing and will because all your or amazing or amazing all you are amazing. And remember the little people when he becomes accustomed because I'm sure mostly all are so. But this is eccentric combo of Tommy Pickles. Uh, and I'll be back of Friday as usual. So fun. Friday. I'm so holla at your boy and Tommy Pickles is out.