Hypnosis/ Meditation Commercial

Profile photo for Danielle Tasso
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Video Narration


Audio for a voice over commercial for online marketing, hypnosis and meditation

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to smile, child. We're here to help you live your happiest life. Yet we have products such as our 21 day Money Manifestation program, our weight loss package, our sleep Soundly program and our self esteem Guide. All packages include tracks for hypnosis, meditation, music and daily affirmations To help keep you on track. End all our programs were just signed for positive, lasting results. Just look, our money manifestation program can help you released negative beliefs about money. Live the life you dreamed allow money to flow to you easily Rid yourself of all abundance blocks. Give it a try. You are sure to love our programs. So make sure you sign up to our newsletter for the latest releases as well. A sales and coupons. And don't worry, we will never share your information. Join us because isn't it about time to be happy and live a life you love? Small child dot Net