Consultive Tutoring

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Excerpt from a paper about information technology tutoring

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Middle Aged (35-54)


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consultive tutoring. Trainers who have a specialty in tutoring often face special challenges and may be called on to be as much of a personal consultant as a trainer, one on one. Training is a fine art. The barriers of the podium and fast paced lectures fall away when a tutor and learner spend quality time next to one another, both sitting on the same side of the computer table. Tutoring requires a high degree of personal integrity for the trainer and an openness to sharing personal vignettes. It's equally demanding for both the learner and the tutor to focus intently on the technical topic at hand without taking time to discuss how the operations may benefit the learner or alternative uses of the operation, successful tutors often seem to share an ability to gently encourage non technical conversation with their learners as a mental break. This minimizes stress and fatigue. It's a respite from the concentration. Technical expertise alone doesn't make one a good and trusted advisor. We've all had experiences with both good and bad tutors. Both types may be equally competent in their subject matter, but it's their ability to give personalized advice to the learner that often creates a positive perception of the learning experience and the ultimate success of the tutorial process. Tutoring is a unique opportunity to explain and demonstrate personalized examples of how the technology, whether it's software or hardware that's at hand can be used to the learners benefit rather than practicing a generic mail merge operation. A tutor can help the solo learner practice mail merging actual client records and create documents that can be saved and used after the tutoring session, offering suggestions for improving real life work tasks, places the training on a higher level. It's as realistic as it can get and time saving advice at this level is not just valuable, it's really a golden nugget. Be flexible but recognize that ***** psychologists teach us that in the general population, about half of the population has a natural propensity to being flexible. Others like to come to decisions and then move forward. But because the population is split, be aware of your learner's preferences and seek to create an environment that meets their particular needs given their personality preferences. I was asked to tutor a new client recently and during a planned to our recession, she asked dozens of questions that were off the lesson plan. Although each was a very interesting and useful question. When I first noticed that she liked to stray from the agenda, I mentioned that we'd be pressed to finish in two hours so practically right from the start, we agreed that she felt the agenda was too limiting. So we decided to extend the allotted time to three hours so that we could fit in the extra topics as they came up. Not only did we cover much more material, but my client was so excited with how much she was able to learn that she insisted that I stay and share some pizza. When lunchtime arrived by being flexible, I helped a new computer user be excited about learning this important technology, and I made a new acquaintance to boot.