Profile photo for Dr Surpreet Chopra
Not Yet Rated


This I recorded for my Youtube channel and Spotify

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General) Indian (Hindi) Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Did you know that your lifestyle starting from the time you were born can determine your heart health. So if all the youngsters were to get their heart arteries scanned, you will see that a majority of them will have heart artery thickening to some degree. Yes, that's right. Your lifestyle and eating habits start to cause thickening of your heart arteries at a very young age based on your lifestyle and genetics. It can take up to 20 to 30 years for the heart disease to completely manifest as a full blown disease where you might start to get chest pain and other symptoms as a manifestation of angina and heart attack. So if you wish to live a heart healthy life, there are 10 things that you need to do. Number one, exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, five days a week. Number two prefer a plant based diet. Number three, eat whole grains, veggies, nuts, fruits, lentils and li cums. Number four, eat home cooked food. Number five, keep your salt intake low, prefer salts in the market that contain potassium salts as well. Along with iodine. Number 6 50% of your intake should be greens, 25% protein in the form of lies, etcetera. 25% should be whole grains. Number seven, introduce pre in the form of fermented foods like italy dosa to pickles and some other traditional foods that are peculiar to certain regions. Number eight, cook only in unrefined, extra virgin cold pressed plant-based oils. Number nine, sleep adequately for 6 to 8 hours daily. Number 10 meditate for at least half an hour daily. Resolve stressful situations with honesty and truthfulness. And if required take professional help from a psychologist or a psychiatrist, seven things you need to avoid. Number one, processed food and fast food, you can instead have organic unprocessed home cooked food. Number two, avoid processed flour. Instead you can use whole grain flour. Number three, avoid processed and refined white sugar. Instead you can use Jay powder, brown unrefined sugar, date syrup, et cetera as sweetness. Number four, avoid refined oils. Instead you can use unrefined extra version of cold pressed plant based oils like mustard oil, coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil. Number five, avoid sedentary lifestyle. Instead lead an active life where you're mostly moving and not staying inactive for long periods of time. You can take the stairs or go for evening strolls and exercise for at least 30 minutes daily, five days a week. Avoid added drinks. Instead consume food juices, green tea, lemongrass tea and natural plant based drinks. Number seven, avoid tobacco in any form. He is wishing you all happy and healthy fit life.