Hersheys Chocolates (British) - Internet Video

Profile photo for Dr Nora
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


British accent

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to the magical world of Hershey's thie Curtains will be drawn back, inviting you to an exclusive look into the creation of our iconic Kisses chocolates. It all starts in the Hershey's cocoa paradise. These trees are staged with love and passion nurtured from the ground up. The motive sensations ako resonate to every corner, and warm feelings and positive vibes are transcend from a chocolate kiss. Thes contagious sensations are concocted at the Hershey's laboratory. Hershey's kisses are serenade with a symphony of love, elevating the chocolate tow a maximum state of refinement around Grand Prince Theo. Kisses are enveloped in a signature silver for food. Nothing but the best for our Hershey's kisses. Marvel and magic presented to you will now be with you always.