Commercial Demo Conversational Authentic Dynamic Engaging Drew Coombs

Television Ad


This demo showcases the fact that Drew Coombs is a professional voiceover artist who works with the largest clients again and again. He has a great range to accommodate most any requests, and completes every job quickly and competently. Not only do clients enjoy the ease that comes with working with Drew, they appreciate his efficiency which equals quicker turnarounds which saves them money.

Drew's reads for this voice-over demo can be described as:
Conversational, Authentic, Friendly, Confident, Believable, Approachable, Engaging, Calm, Cool, Natural, Announcer, Everyman, Narrator, Storyteller, Teacher, Everyman, Professional, North American, US General American Friendly Attractive Amusing Sophisticated Trustworthy Generation Y Straightforward Professional Millennial Guy Next Door Funny Alpha Male Believable Commercial General American GenAm North American Edgy Business Man

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Drew Coombs. Get out what you put in. It's a simple truth, but to get that good out, it helps to put good in like the protein and 22 vitamins and minerals. And Kellogg's Vector Meal replacement Onley Valve brings you super phones with 24 live TV channels. JEANS Who doesn't love jeans like the superhero of pants that could do anything? There's a reason why jeans your go to Father's Day is this Sunday, and Sears has a gift perfect for your dad. It's like a blast of hydration. **** cadres. Water activated gel hydrates your skin as you shave, and skin guards help reduce irritation. It's our best shape for your skin. Excel strong men say goodbye to garlic breath. You can't always be smooth, but your beer should be, So why not reach for a keystone light for a taste that's always smooth even when you're not? Summer is about one thing. Driving, driving to the beach to the cottage to wherever just getting out and driving till fall. So you're Chrysler. Jeep Dodge and Ram retailer is having the summer drive one home event, introducing our latest invention, Bacardi and Cola Master Craft Tool Skuta had a V eight, a vegetable cocktail with two of your daily vegetable servings and every glass