DICK TERHUNE National TV Commercial Demo

Profile photo for DICK TERHUNE
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Television Ad


Some of my current and recent work with Blue Freedom, Little Caesar's Pizza, Jackson-Hewitt, and others.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
**** Terhune Every day. Mawr of our dogs air feeling free and looking their best because more pet parents are turning to grain free blue freedom for superior joint health and pain relief. Try Omega Excel. It delivers results. You can feel this is a simple TV commercial, no paid actors, no cute puppies and no unnecessary ingredients. Why did we do it? Why did we put four delicious deep, deep dish slices of our pepperoni Italian sausage and bacon covered three Meet treat next four slices of our deep, deep dish pepperoni and offer it for nine bucks? Because we can wait. Uh, Jackson Hewitt. We helped lots of people like you. No one gets you a bigger refund. Otherwise, you get $100. That's right. No one gets you a bigger refund. Visit Jackson Hewitt today.