Featured work

Profile photo for Devin Corey
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Sample of work:Nike, FTD, Microsoft and more.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
just call me. Mr only paid a penny for his phone guy. The Penny phone man, I can hear it now. Can I have your autograph? Penny phone guy? Nike a C G A C G means all conditioned gear in all conditions means all conditions. Nike you have cable television with 500 channels, two phone lines and a fax line. You and your wife both have cell phones and your son has a pager and it's all brought to you by one company on one bill. Sociologists recently made a remarkable discovery. They discovered that young men in nearly every culture in nearly every part of the world share one identical trade. The party pose. There are moments when a champion becomes something bigger better and for weeds. That moment is now the new taste of wheat. These Children are the greatest gift in the world, help them stay away from drugs by spending time with them teaching them and learning from them. After all, it's more than just saying no, you have to lead by example some flowers spoke with strong and powerful voices which proclaimed in accents trumpet tongued, I am beautiful and I rule send your feelings. F. T. D. Ford Motor Company proudly presents a five time award winning production. The ford Focus protect your best friend. It's easy, affordable and the benefits can start with your next visit veterinary pet insurance. You can experience reliability in a whole new way introducing Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Windows XP **** on wheels, flip open a tin for your chance to win a curiously strong muscle car mm