English voice demo for client facing narration/ads/voice assistant

Profile photo for Delilah Farshoukh
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Radio Ad


Voice demo for english diction related to telephone instructions, radio/tv/online ads, narration, documentaries, voice assistant, or other non-animation related voice acting

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, my name is Delilah. I'm from a small country in Asia named Lebanon and this is my English voice acting demo for roles related to customer service agencies, text to speech or other general diction services as a voice actor with a singing background, I'm able to control my voices pitched, ranging from younger, higher pitched voices with a lot of enunciation, fit for child and teen audiences to voice his more fit for general customer interaction such as this one to demonstrate my ability to dictate longer texts. I will be reading a quick segment from a book named to sell is human. If you're younger than 40 you never spent much time in the United States, you might not recognize the fuller brush man. But if you're an American of a certain age, you know that once you couldn't avoid him, brigades of salesmen, their sample cases stuffed with brushes, roamed middle class neighborhoods climbed the front steps and announced I'm your fuller brush man. Then offering a free vegetable scrubber known as a handy brush as a gift. They tried to get what quickly became known as a foot in the door